Why Work with a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer?

  • Added By :Tim Mahoney
  • Category : Personal Injury Law
  • Article Id : 2007
  • Added On : 10/05/2019
  • Views : 413

When you suspect a loved one is being injured by the people hired to take care of them, it can be upsetting and traumatic experience for the family. You want to see your loved ones thrive, but the nursing home staff may not be giving them their proper care.

Unfortunately, nursing home abuse is a serious problem, one that’s gotten more attention in recent years. You may have a chance to fight back and seek compensation for the damage your family member suffered, but do you need a lawyer? Often, a lawyer can make a major difference in your claim, so it’s important to understand what a lawyer can do for your claim before you begin.

Recognizing Signs of Abuse

A major problem you may face when seeking compensation for your loved ones is a difficulty understanding what constitutes elder abuse. Recognizing the signs is key to stopping the abuse, finding the responsible parties, and gathering evidence for your claim.

One of the most common types of abuse is physical. Any physical violence against your loved one, whether it’s hitting kicking, or slapping, is classified as abuse and should be stopped.

Unfortunately, it can be tough to determine based on their physical state. Elderly people can be prone to falls and bruising, so you’ll need to make sure you have evidence that shows that the nursing home staff were intentionally harming or neglecting your loved one.

However, physical abuse isn’t your only concern. Speak to your attorney if you suspect your family member is experiencing any of the following:

  • Emotional abuse

  • Financial abuse

  • Sexual abuse

  • Neglect

  • Abandonment

A Defense for Your Loved Ones

Once you’ve determined that your loved one has suffered nursing home abuse, you’ll need to fight back to ensure they get the care they deserve. Unfortunately, that can be tough to do without help. You’ll need a lawyer’s aid to get the full compensation they deserve.

That’s especially true when proving that the nursing home was negligent and finding the liable party for their suffering. The nursing home may fight back, looking for excuses for your elder’s condition.

Without the right evidence and a lawyer to help you fight back, you could potentially lose your chance for compensation. You’ll need someone on your side who can help you get the compensation your loved one deserves.

Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Soon

When one of your loved ones is hurt by the people hired to take care of them, you’ll need to take action to protect them and get the compensation they need for their recovery. That can be tough if you don’t have an attorney from Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC to help.

Fortunately, our lawyers understand how difficult your claim can be for your family, and we’ll help you fight back for their recovery. It can be an overwhelming, complex situation, so reach out for help, starting with a free claim consult with an