What to Expect During Your IRS Audit

  • Added By :Stephen Weisberg
  • Category : Taxation Law
  • Article Id : 1969
  • Added On : 31/01/2019
  • Views : 464

It’s not uncommon to be fearful when you’ve been notified that the IRS is auditing your tax return. Your first instinct is likely to start panicking, but there’s really no need for that. Even if you did make a mistake on your return that indicates you underpaid your taxes, it’s likely you will simply need to pay the IRS more money this year.

It’s easy for us to tell you to relax, but what will really help is more information on what to expect during an IRS tax audit. The more information you have, the better prepared you’ll be, which means you won’t be so intimidated.

Why Are You Being Audited?

The IRS does audits for many different reasons, and it’s not always a big deal. Sometimes, you might not have even made any errors, but the computer flagged your return for some reason. You might have had a significant increase in income this year, and the IRS is just making sure everything is legal.

No matter what the reason is for your audit, the IRS should be notifying you in writing of why they are doing the audit.

What to Expect during a Tax Audit

In many instances, the IRS will do an audit by mail. This means they will request that you provide additional information to them through the mail. You will simply gather the information they are requesting and send it over to them. Easy.

In other cases, they may want to do an in-person audit. If that’s the case, you will still need to gather documentation that they are requesting. You may be asked to go to an IRS office, or they may come to your home or business. If your audit is business-related, you can look at the guides that the IRS uses when conducting audit interviews.

Contact a Tax Audit Lawyer for Assistance

Keep in mind that you don’t have to go through the tax audit process alone. An attorney can represent you through this process and ensure that you aren’t being bullied or mistreated and that your rights aren’t being overlooked.

Contact The W Tax Group to discuss your tax audit situation for free with a tax specialist at our nationwide office. Call 877-500-4930, or send in the form you’ll find over at our website.