What Makes a Motorcycle Accident Claim Unique

  • Added By :Nick Kohan
  • Category : Personal Injury Law
  • Article Id : 2367
  • Added On : 17/04/2020
  • Views : 532

Motorcycles are unique vehicles, and accidents involving motorcyclists are also unique. They are more likely to cause severe injuries and losses. The reason motorcycle accidents are so catastrophic is obvious—there is a lack of protection for the motorcyclist in the event of an accident. That doesn’t mean the motorcyclist is responsible for every accident in Orange County.

Many people cause motorcycle accidents, and the people can be held responsible for their actions. To hold at-fault parties responsible, you must file a claim. What makes motorcycle accident claims unique is that innocent motorcyclists are often treated as though they are responsible for their accidents, even though they are innocent victims.

Why Do Insurers Treat Motorcyclists So Badly?

Why do motorcyclists get treated poorly by insurers? Primarily, because insurance companies don’t like paying out on insurance claims. They want to keep as much money in their own bank accounts as possible, so they will look for every excuse they can to get out of paying on a claim.

Motorcyclists are easy targets because most people believe riding a motorcycle is dangerous. People think that the motorcyclist is responsible for their injuries simply because they were riding a motorcycle in the first place. This logic is flawed, though. You don’t have to let insurers get away with treating you this way.

You are not responsible for an accident you didn’t cause. You can file a claim, and you could receive a settlement from the person who hurt you.

Damages for a Motorcycle Accident in Orange County

An accident has occurred and you know you aren’t to blame for it. You have evidence to prove that someone else caused the accident. You also have plenty of evidence of your injuries and the damages you suffered due to this accident. That means you can receive a financial payout for your losses.

You have to put your case together and send it to the appropriate insurer. You have to show them that your case is strong and that they owe you money. You must also request a settlement amount that equals your damages. You can be paid for monetary and non-monetary damages. Here are some examples:

  • Pain and suffering

  • Medical bills

  • Lost income and lost future income

  • Scarring and disfigurement

  • Permanent injury

  • Lost life enjoyment

  • Cost of physical therapy

  • Mental health issues related to the accident