What Is Considered Light Work Duty in New York?

  • Added By :Mark Eidlisz
  • Category : Workers Compensation Law
  • Article Id : 990
  • Added On : 15/11/2017
  • Views : 418

You’ve been injured in a workplace accident in New York and now your doctor has cleared you to return to light duty or restricted duty work. What does this mean?

You Are Still Recovering

If your doctor says you can return to light duty work, it means you’re still recovering and can still be considered partially disabled. So, you’re not yet able to return to your previous duties—at least, not in full.

However, if your doctor has said that you can do light duty work, that means he or she thinks you’re capable of performing less-strenuous duties than you were before getting injured.

Your Employer Must Offer You Less-Strenuous Work

Once your doctor has cleared you for light duty work, your employer has an obligation to offer you light duty employment if they have any light duty positions available. If you accept a light duty position and it pays less than you were making before your injury, workers comp benefits should make up the difference.

You Must Find Work when Cleared for Light Duty

When you’re cleared to perform light duty work, you have to find work within your restrictions, even if your employer claims they don’t have any such positions available. This may mean looking for light duty work on your own.

If you don’t look for light duty work, your workers comp benefits could be suspended, although you’ll still be able to get medical benefits to complete your recovery.

If your employer offers you light duty work and you refuse it, you will no longer be considered eligible for workers comp benefits. If you have concerns about light duty work or your workers comp benefits, contact a New York workers comp attorney today.

Experienced Workers Compensation Attorneys in NYC

Unfortunately, employers are familiar with what is considered light duty, which can end up making your injuries worse if you’re not careful. If you have been injured at work, call Finkelstein, Meirowitz & Eidlisz, LLP at 212-385-9190 or visit our website for a free consultation.