Most Common Causes For Truck Accidents In Texas

  • Added By :Brett Cain
  • Category : Automobile Accidents Law
  • Article Id : 1838
  • Added On : 07/11/2018
  • Views : 458

In 2017 data from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) reported fatal truck accidents for the State of Texas. Although pickup trucks accounted for more accidents last year, the severity of injuries is much higher with large trucks.

  • Pickup trucks – statewide 1303, rural routes 770, and urban streets 533
  • Semi-trailers - statewide 433, rural routes 284, and urban roads 49
  • Trucks – statewide 126, rural routes 62, and urban streets 64


At the end of 2016 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Fatality Analysis Reporting System(FARS) stated fatal crashes by vehicle configuration. Trucks were defined with a gross weight rating greater than 10,000 pounds.

  • 62 percent involved semi-trailers
  • 16 percent involved single unit 2 axles
  • 10 percent involved single unit 3+ axles


When It’s Time to Talk to An Attorney

Under Texas law, both an employed driver operating a vehicle and their employer may be held accountable for all of the damages and injuries incurred.

Cain Firm is built on a foundation of protecting our client’s rights. Our role in trucking accidents is to identify the cause of negligence. Our ultimate goal is to seek compensation to relieve our client’s financial burdens and restore a standard of living.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are responsible for severe injuries, numerous fatalities, and property damages due to the weight and force of moving motor vehicles. If you have been in an accident, Cain Firm is prepared to begin the investigation for you.

Listed are some of the most common causes of truck accidents:

  1. 1. Speeding is a serious safety violation for any motor vehicle. Because it takes longer for a large truck to stop, the insufficient reaction time can cause a truck to collide with other vehicles, jackknife, or swerve into other lanes of traffic.
  2. 2. Distractions consist of using a cell phone, eating, or drinking while driving, or merely tuning the radio. These activities deter a driver’s attention away from the road, triggering an accident.
  3. Inadequate driver credentials or incomplete training contribute to accidents in handling a large vehicle, whether it’s unfamiliar territory, unexpected road debris, or weather conditions.
  4. 3. Fatigue happens. According to federal laws, limitations are imposed when driving short trips or long-distances. Drivers are required to take breaks. On-duty driving schedules beyond sixty to seventy hours over a period of seven or eight days is not allowed.
  5. 4. Truck maintenance routines are critical and mandated. Primary causes for truck accidents are wear and tear of engines, tires, and braking systems. Substandard maintenance for trucks is a violation.
  6. 5. Improper loading includes the distribution of weight for the cargo or lack of securing the payload in place. Unbalanced forces can cause the truck’s cab to lose control of the vehicle, prompting an accident.