• Added By :Jerry Trevino
  • Category : Accident Claims Law
  • Article Id : 1144
  • Added On : 01/02/2018
  • Views : 566

Dental Injuries and Bicycle Accidents – Auto Accident Lawyer in TEXAS

If you suffer severe injuries to your teeth, it’s difficult to chew, grind through food and then swallow and digest it. The facial trauma suffered in a bicycle accident is likely to result in dental injuries that directly affect both the chewing and digestive processes. Secondary to those issues come speech and cosmetic concerns.

The Rider’s Mouth is Exposed

When a bicycle rider injures his or her mouth in a crash, it’s most likely the result of an impact with the ground. Sudden deceleration operates to launch riders over their handlebars, and because bicycle helmets provide little protection for the chin and teeth, they’re vulnerable when the rider impacts in a prone position. Serious dental injuries can result, especially for a victims front upper and lower teeth. Those injuries can include chipped, fractured, displaced or even lost teeth. If a motorist caused the crash, or a road wasn’t properly maintained by a governmental entity, the bicyclist might have a viable personal injury claim.

Damages You Can Seek

We all know that dental work is costly, and serious dental injuries will require multiple visits. Dental services aren’t covered under most health insurance policies, but such services for dental injuries are often covered. You’ll want to check your policy in that regard. If your injuries were caused by the negligence of a motorist or a governmental entity that failed to properly maintain the road that you crashed on, some of the damages that you can seek compensation for including your:

  • Medical and dental bills
  • Lost earnings
  • Any permanent disfigurement and disability
  • Pain and suffering

Displaced, fractured or missing teeth are painful, and they’ll affect what you eat, how you speak, how you see yourself and the impression that you make on others. These types of injuries are likely to require costly crowns, implants or bridges. You’ll want to visit with a qualified personal injury attorney in Texas as soon as possible after your accident to discuss your options. Nearly all such attorneys take cases like these on a contingency fee basis where no legal fees at all are due unless he or she obtains a settlement or verdict for you. The legislature has only given you a limited amount of time to take action, especially if a governmental entity was involved in your accident. Get that consultation and case evaluation sooner rather than later.

Source: https://mrpersonalinjurylawyer.com/dental-injuries-and-bicycle-accidents