Defenses against Red Light Tickets

  • Added By :James Medows
  • Category : Criminal Law
  • Article Id : 1999
  • Added On : 13/04/2019
  • Views : 434

Sitting at red lights makes up a lot of our driving time, but you may expect that you won’t see much trouble from waiting for a light. Unfortunately, you might have been passing through a light when a police officer turned on their lights, pulling you over.

Dealing with a red light ticket can be tricky. It’s easy to incriminate yourself, such as by suggesting you were going too fast to stop. You’ll need to find the right defense against a red light ticket for your case. Getting those charges dropped is important, so reach out today for help determining the right defense for you.

Yellow Lights Are Safe

While many people understand a yellow light to mean that they need to slow down for a stop, that’s not necessarily true. A yellow light signals that it’s time to clear the intersection, giving you time to pass through before traffic from the other side begins.

Unfortunately, the police officer might have believed that you had entered the intersection too late, running the red light. Often, the officer was farther down the road or in a nearby parking lot. That means they don’t have as clear a view of the intersection as you do. That means they’re less likely to see that you weren’t breaking the law after all.

Mistimed Traffic Lights

In other cases, the police officer may have been waiting at a red light that had just turned green when you passed through. They pursued you because it seemed that you were crossing at a red light.

However, this may be a case of the signals being out of sync. While the lights are usually carefully timed, they may be mistimed, meaning that you were crossing at a yellow light when the light changed, even if the officer assumed it must have been a red light.

When this happens, you’ll need to find video surveillance of the scene to show that, from your side, the light was green or yellow. If the lights were incorrect, the footage should prove it.

Defend Yourself with an Attorney’s Help

Unfortunately, it can seem tough to fight back after a red light ticket. You may be unsure what to do when it’s your word against a police officer’s. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to fight back with help from a lawyer from the Law Office of James Medows.

Your red light ticket attorney understands how tough it can be to defend yourself when you’re accused of running a red light. That’s why we fight back when our clients are accused of breaking the law. If you’re facing trouble because of a ticket, contact us for a consultation about your ticket.

When you’re ready to defend yourself against a red light ticket, reach out for help. We can be reached by calling 917-856-1247 or contacting us through our website.