Common Penalties for Drug Charges in California

  • Added By :Hendrick Crowell
  • Category : Criminal Law
  • Article Id : 2006
  • Added On : 08/05/2019
  • Views : 418

Many people who abuse drugs don’t even know what the consequences of their actions are. They believe that drug use is something everyone does and it’s really not that big of a deal. Unfortunately, they are wrong. Drug abuse is a serious issue that causes harm for many. It’s a crime in California.

If you’ve been charged with a drug crime, you might be wondering what kind of penalties you could be facing. The penalties can be severe, so talk to an attorney about fighting a drug charge before it’s too late.

What Are the Penalties for Drug Crimes in California?

The following are just some of the penalties a convicted drug offender will face:

Jail or Prison

Depending on the drug offense for which you’ve been charged, you will likely be facing jail or prison time. Even misdemeanor drug convictions in California can result in jail time. For instance, misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance can be punished by up to one year in jail.

Fines and Associated Costs

Drug convictions always result in fines, which can greatly affect your financial stability. In addition to the fines you will be facing, you could also be dealing with other costs associated with your drug crime. For instance, you might be required to pay for drug treatment.


Many drug offenders are offered community supervision as an alternative to jail or prison time. Probation comes with an invasion of your privacy, drug testing requirements, reporting requirements, and other negative effects.

Community Service

Following a drug conviction, you may be ordered to complete many hours of community service. This requirement can be difficult to complete when you have a job and a family to take care of.

Call a California Drug Crime Lawyer Near You

The legal consequences are not the only effects a drug conviction can have in your life. Your crime will remain on your record for the rest of your life and damage your opportunities. To fight against a drug charge, contact a lawyer for help. Your California drug lawyer will assist you in building a defense against a drug crime before it changes your life in the worst ways.

Connect with an attorney at Crowell Law Offices. Call 916-303-2800 or click over to our website to learn more about battling a drug charge in California.