Can You Sue for a Premises Liability Accident?

  • Added By :Jonathan Halperin
  • Category : Personal Law
  • Article Id : 2392
  • Added On : 30/04/2020
  • Views : 601

Accidents can happen pretty much anywhere, even at your local candy shop. You were eyeballing those gummy bears strongly, wondering whether you should take home three packs or four (definitely four), when a slippery substance on the floor caused you to slip-and-fall. 

You never saw that fall coming, and you were seriously injured when you hit your head on a crate nearby. Now you are suffering from a traumatic head injury, and you haven’t been able to return to work. What can you do? How are you going to move on from this accident?

A fall such as the one in the example above can change your life in an instant. The owner of the candy shop could be held liable if your slip was caused by negligence on the part of a worker or due to store policies.

How to Prove Your Premises Liability Claim

Premises liability refers to the area of law that deals with property owner liability. A property owner can be held legally responsible for accidents that happen on their property if negligence is involved. 

For example, if a store worker forgets to secure a heavy object on a high shelf, the store owner could be liable for an injury caused when that object falls off the shelf.

When you have been injured on someone else’s property, you can sue. In order to win your case, you must be able to prove fault. Proving fault requires the collection of evidence. 

Evidence could include photos, video, physical evidence, witness statements, accident reports, and more.

You can also use evidence to prove the serious nature of your injuries as well as your damages. You need to prove these things in order to obtain a fair amount of compensation from the at-fault party’s insurance company.

Compensation for a Premises Liability Accident

After you’ve been hurt in an accident due to a property hazard, why sue the property owner? One main reason is to recover financial compensation. You have probably suffered due to your injury. You have suffered financial hardship. For instance, you could have medical bills related to the incident. Maybe you haven’t been able to work because of your injury.

You can also be compensated for your non-financial accident-related damages, such as lost life enjoyment, permanent injury, scarring, pain, and mental trauma.

Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer in Richmond

If you’ve been injured due to a property hazard in Richmond, VA, you might be entitled to financial compensation. Financial compensation could help you deal with accident-related damages. Filing a premises liability claim is your right, but it’s not easy to do. Legal assistance could make a big difference to your claim’s chances of success.

Call a Richmond personal injury lawyer at Halperin Law Center to learn more about the benefits of filing a claim. Dial 804-527-0100 for a free case evaluation or head to our law firm website for more details about the personal injury claim process.