Can My Criminal Record Affect My Child Custody Case?

  • Added By :Rowdy Williams
  • Category : Criminal Law
  • Article Id : 2004
  • Added On : 03/05/2019
  • Views : 459

Dealing with a child custody dispute is a challenge for everyone involved, but things can become even more complex if you have a criminal record. There are several factors that will be taken into consideration when reviewing your criminal record and the affect, if any, it will have on your child custody case.

Continue reading to learn more about how having a criminal record can impact your case and the steps you can take to ensure your criminal record no longer has the potential to do so.

How a Criminal Conviction Can Influence Your Case

The way a criminal conviction will influence your case will be based upon what crime you were convicted of, whether someone else suffered bodily injury, how long ago the conviction occurred, and whether you are a first-time offender.

It’s easy to see how a drug crime or violent crime conviction would give the judge reason to be cautious with the amount of time you are allowed to spend with your child and whether you are granted any type of physical or legal custody.

But if you have a conviction from ten years ago for a nonviolent crime and haven’t been in any legal trouble since then, it’s quite possible that your criminal record would have no impact on your custody case.

Getting Your Record Expunged

Fortunately, you may be able to avoid your criminal record influencing the outcome of your child custody dispute if you are able to get your record expunged.

If you are eligible for an expunction, then your record will be sealed and your prior conviction will have no further effect on your life. If you are unsure whether you qualify for expungement, you can speak with a Terre Haute expungement lawyer.

Get in Touch with a Terre Haute Criminal Justice Lawyer

To further discuss your impending child custody case, or to learn more about how to get your record expunged, contact an Indiana criminal defense lawyer at Rowdy G. Williams Law Firm today. You can visit our website or call our office directly at 1-812-232-7400 to schedule your free case assessment as soon as possible.