Elder Abuse and Neglect in NJ – Seek Legal Assistance
- Added By :Fredrick P Niemann
- Category : Customs Law
- Article Id : 27
- Added On : 07/03/2013
- Views : 653
When it’s time to make the
decision to move an aging relative into an elderly care facility, family
members find little time to evaluate and compare different nursing homes. If a serious illness or injury isn’t the reason
why relatives decide to place the individual in a nursing home, the reason is
usually related to the loved one’s loss of physical or mental functions.
Jersey elder abuse attorneys offer
insight as to signs of nursing home abuse.
Sometimes family caregivers
are no longer able to care for an elderly parent. It’s very common for older people to fall and
break bones or become ill. In other
situations, the individual’s ability to function with a degree of independence
quickly degenerates. This leaves the
caregiver in a vulnerable position for selecting a nursing home. There is urgency to get them into a home, but
the relative doesn’t have a lot of information or time to make an informed
Physicians can’t “recommend”
nursing facilities. They can only
respond with a selection of local homes.
It becomes the role of a spouse or family member to review options. Usually this is done in the hours after
work. People have other obligations so
it’s not unusual a cursory evaluation occurs.
Sometimes the first walk
through a nursing home shocks a family member.
Seeing elderly people in various stages of decline is unsettling. That doesn’t mean the nursing home is
neglectful. There are however, for you
to look for which suggest abuse or neglect.
In New Jersey, if you see signs your loved one is being mistreated, you
should contact one of your local elder abuse attorneys.
elder abuse laws are
put in place to protect people assigned to a nursing home. In most cases, when there is neglect, a
family member is responsible for recognizing it and reporting it. The following conditions constitute cause for
concern and should be discussed with an experienced New Jersey elder abuse attorney.
Signs of Neglect
sheets or clothing
Bruising is another symptom
that may indicate abuse, but the skin on older people is very prone to
bruising. If bruising is the only
noticeable symptom, look for other sign indicating your loved one is being
Sadly, for many of us, the
final stage of our lives puts us in a place where we have very little control
of what happens to us. The lucky people
have loved ones nearby to keep an eye open for signs of elder abuse and neglect in NJ, and the legal specialists who can
help to keep your loved one safe from pain and abuse.